Looking back at the Blessing of the Lord
The Lord allowed Ian to experience a time of physical, emotional and spiritual rehabilitation while we stayed in Cincinnati receiving medical treatment through the hospital and joining the body of believers at the Oaks Church From April-July. We created the following video as a reminder to God’s grace and mercy in Ian’s life. Ian fought hard to become stronger and he has taught us so many wonderful things through the obstacles that he has faced and overcome. As soon as he was able to stand on his own and score soccer goals he shared his desire to return to Spain so he could play with his friends and teammates that he misses so much.
We departed Cincinnati seeing great improvement and Ian and we set a course to visit our families and spend bonding time together as a family through the month of July and two thirds now through August. We are grateful and blessed by God’s provision of beautiful memories made even though throughout the entire time he has suffered and we have seen a gradual decline of his health and his body deteriorating. Ian now cannot move his left arm or leg, his left leg is in pain if he tries to support himself standing, he is unable to use the posterior walker that he very recently would push away to walk unassisted, his right eye is red and he is unable to close it, his appetite has decreased and has lost the feeling inside one side of his mouth causing him to chew slower and need softer foods, he drools constantly. This is what he has been experiencing these last weeks and we are advised that his journey will get harder. We assume now that his tumor is aggressively growing and we go through the day one moment at a time. Despite how disheartening and emotionally painful it is to see Ian going through this we are thankful that He is staying strong and doing his best. He apologizes quickly when he gets frustrated when he isn’t understood. We see the Holy Spirit working in Ian’s life and giving him the strength through these burdens that we ourselves cannot bear for him. We are physically and emotionally exhausted each day and can only depend on God’s grace and mercy through this turmoil. We find our soul quenched with David’s groaning to the Lord in the Psalms and it has been bonding for us and the children to devote ourselves to the truths that God hears our cries and knows the anguish in our hearts. If we don’t look back and purpose to see God’s hand and providence in our life we will miss seeing just how much He is lavishing his love on us today and that He will give us His grace to endure the narrow way ahead. We cry unto the Lord and He hears us and knows our grief. He alone can relate to our agony and pain. (Ps. 22:23-24) (We are not Israel but we can appreciate the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father to his church today).