2021 Furlough Begins
Covid Tests were negative, Praise the Lord!
We arrived safely into the USA and everyone is trying to recoup the much needed physical rest we lost during the trip and adjust to the time difference.
On April 7, we took a 4 hour bus ride from Logroño to Madrid with hopes to depart early in the morning on April 8 to fly from Madrid to Frankfurt then Frankfurt to Dulles Int. airport.
Just as we laid the children to bed and turned down the lights Mina popped up excitedly and said, “Can I turn off the lights?”...BANG! Mina had sat up in the dark reached over to push the button on the nightstand forgetting there was a gap between it and the bed. She sliced open her head, very close to her eye, on the nightstand. We promptly turned the lights on upon hearing her blood curdling scream of extreme pain and fear. She was bleeding profusely down her face and arm. We quickly applied pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding and disinfected it. More importantly we were able to calm all three of the children by turning their eyes to the Lord. Ian and Addy were crying and asking if Mina was going to die, there was that much blood. As mommy was on the bathroom floor tending to and praying with Mina, Daddy prayed with the older two children asking God to give comfort to Mina and peace through this trial.
Jonathan called a local pharmacy at 9:20 pm just blocks away that had closed at 8:00pm. By what could only be the hand of God, the owner was still in the store doing paperwork and was very caring to allow Jonathan to come and buy some steri-strips which was needed to close Mina´s wound. We praise the Lord for “opening” the door to give us what we needed exactly when we needed it. It wasn't necessary to take Mina to the hospital and the kids were able to get to bed around 10:45pm and were rested and chipper when we woke them up at 5:45am the next morning.
As we begin our furlough, ,our objective is to find renewing rest, process and praise God for all that He has done in 2 and half years since our last furlough, and reconnect with supporters, family, and friends that we have missed so dearly. This journey will bring a lot of hours on the road traveling, but we feel ready for anything, now that we have plenty of Steri-strips on hand! We pray that as more unexpected circumstances are likely to occur that we will keep our eyes fixed on the Anchor of our soul.
Psalm 16:7-9
I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.