Oren por Ian
El martes 20 de abril de 2022, después de que se completó una resonancia magnética en el cerebro de Ian, se le diagnosticó DIPG (glioma pontino intrínseco difuso), que es un tumor cerebral canceroso muy raro que crece agresivamente en el centro de su tronco encefálico._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Actualmente, Ian y la familia Romaine han regresado a los EE. UU. para recibir un tratamiento crítico mientras reciben el apoyo de su familia y la iglesia.
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The Faith of Ian & His Wish Given by the Make-A-Wish Foundation

El Testimonio Sobre La Vida de Ian Charles Roamine

Ian Romaine // Celebration of Life

Tribute video of Ian Charles Romaine
On March 4, 2023, Ian Charles Romaine left his earthly body to live forevermore in the presence of his greatest hero, his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ian passed away after an 11-month battle with one of the most aggressive terminal brain cancers that afflict children today, Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). However, cancer did not for one second define his identity. He was first and foremost a child of God and a follower of Jesus, having placed his personal faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ when he was 6 years old, and he declared it before the church and unto the world through his public baptism when he was 7.
Ian was born on November 15, 2014, in Salamanca, Spain and was the biggest baby the pediatrician had ever seen. He was a chubby and sweet baby who grew into an amazing little man. Some would say his life was cut short, but those who knew Ian would quickly raise an objection and say the impact and legacy of this gentle, adventurous, yet cautious boy has rippled far broader and touched more lives than most adult men could ever dream. He impacted all he came in contact with because of his overwhelming generosity and thoughtfulness of others; he was always giving his toys and candy away to strangers and friends alike. Ian would proudly state that he wanted to be a soccer player when he grew up and loved playing many sports, building legos, playing video games, swimming, riding his bike, and being outdoors.
Those who are left behind to cherish his precious memory are his parents, Jonathan and Hannah (Mingonet) Romaine; his two beloved sisters, Addaline and Mina Romaine; his grandparents, Fred & Ruby Romaine and Chuck & Sandy Mingonet; and many aunts, uncles and cousins who enjoyed life with Ian, loving on him every chance they were afforded. Having grown up as a bilingual missionary kid there are many believers and cherished friends in Spain, America and around the world mourning Ian's passing.
There was a visitation service on Friday, March 10, 2023, at Hayworth-Miller Funeral Home, 3315 Silas Creek Parkway, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. The funeral service was held the following day, Saturday, March 11, 2023, at 2:00pm at Salem Baptist Church, 429 S. Broad Street, Winston Salem, NC 27101. The service was recorded and can be watched here: Ian's Celebration of Life
In lieu of flowers the Romaine family is requesting donations be made to Salem Baptist Church designated to the “Ian Romaine Mission Fund". Missions is the lifeblood of the church and with this fund they will seek to promote, encourage and enable the church plant in Logroño with the furtherance of the gospel locally, nationally and globally. If you would like to give please go to https://salembaptistnow.mywell.org/give and select "Special Gifts" on the top line and "Ian Romaine Missionary Fund".