78% Support Reached by March 1
Full schedule through May 1st 2014!
2 new churches, 2 new families & 1 Organization committed for monthly support
Certified Spain Translator for Visa application process
85% Committed Support by June 1st
New faithful Supporters
Pray for us as we travel: Visit our “Calendar Link"
(Please contact us if you would like to visit our family while we are in your area)
We are providing an analysis of our current supporters. In order to protect the privacy of families we only provide the City & State of the supporters. See More...
Recent Newsletters
Support Level

Our Goal:
85% Support
June 2014

A Big Boost in January & February!
In our last prayer letter we asked you to pray that God would increase our support level to 70% by the end of March. According to His rich mercy and grace He has answered abundantly above what we were asking and we are currently at 79% support with several churches who have expressed their desire to take us on in the next few months! We are absolutely floored by His goodness and know that this is only by the power of His sovereign plan in our lives. We praise His name and thank YOU for your prayers! Please pray towards our next goal of reaching 85% by the end of May.

Providing Transparency
One of the things our prayer warriors and financial supporters have consistently encouraged us to do is be direct about our physical needs even ones that seem menial to us. With our support nearing the 80% range, we won’t be signing any phone contracts that have cancellation fees up to $350 per phone! We are in need of two iPhone 5s (32 GB) model phones to take to with us to Spain. We need to purchase these phones independent of a phone company “unlocked” so we can swap out the SIM card with a Euro SIM card in Spain. Having these phones will enable us to communicate with members of BMMs Team Spain and Spaniards for free using “iMessage” and a Spanish APP called “What’sUp!” We will also be able to text to our supporting churches & families back home through using free applications. One phone sells on eBay for around $700, and we need two. If you are interested in purchasing one for us, or donating specific funds towards the purchase the two phones we need, please visit the link on our Prayer & Praise List at the Romaine Home page on our website to view the current status of this need. Let’s see how God will supply our need together!
Visa Process Soon to Begin!
Visa Application ProcessIt’s almost time for a Visa! If you have ever traveled to a country that required a Visa for entrance you know that the process can be quite time consuming! After 9/11 many countries have added extra cautionary measures which can lengthen the application process. Once we reach 85% we will begin the Visa processes with a Spanish Consulate in Miami which is the consulate for the state of Georgia where we are “residents”. One major requirement is to have all of our application documents to be translated into Spanish. We will have to find and pay a certified Spanish translator to translate all of these documents. If you know a certified translator for Spain Spanish and they would be interested in helping us out please contact us immediately (We will pay for this service). This process will cost us several hundreds of dollars (about $10 per page) and we wanted to express this need before making the decision to pay someone that would be new to us. It is quite surreal after over a year of almost constant travelling to actually see the end in sight, surreal and exciting!
What We are Learning
What we are learning“We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us” 2 Corinthians 4:7. Hannah has played and sang the song, “All I have is Christ” in a few of the Churches we have presented at in the last few months. At a church we were at recently in Lafayette, Indiana, she played and in a part where she usually does not mess up, her fingers missed the correct notes but she kept right on going. When she sat down, she let out a sigh of disappointment, and I said to her, “Now they know you are human.” Still feeling a little defeated, after the service a kind lady came up with tears in her eyes and told Hannah how much God used the song to encourage her. We looked at each other and knew God was reminding us that anything good that comes out of our ministry is of Him, and not of us. Isn’t it true that we are SO dependent on him even though we forget it all the time? We pray that in your day today, you filter everything that happens in your day through the knowledge of His sovereignty and his unmistakable power to make good out of our redeemed but fallen insignificance.
That I may know Him and the Power of His Resurrection... Philippians 3:10