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The Burdett & Romaine Family have been called and sent by Salem Baptist Church to church plant in the Spain.
The Darling Family have been called and sent by Needham´s Grave Baptist Church to church plant in the Spain.
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Team Church Planting

Ecclesiastes 4:9

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.​


In Philippians 2:2, the Apostle Paul wrote, "Fulfill ye my joy that ye be like-minded  having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." While this imperative can be directed towards all believers, every so often God brings people into our path that impact our lives in a deeper way. This is true of the relationship of our families. 

"...Of One Accord, of One Mind..."

Our families have spent the past 3 years praying together seeking God's direction for our lives, even if it meant being called to separate fields. We are thrilled that it was the Lord's will to call us at distinctly separate times to the country of Spain. He worked individually in our hearts, planting a burden for the Spanish people. 

We are excited to work as a team, using our gifts together for the common goals of seeing Spaniards come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, to help them grow in the knowledge of his Word, and show them what it looks like to genuinely live your Christian faith.


In 2021, Tim and Pam Darling joined the church planting team in Logroño and we all blessed to have them part of the team.

If you have more questions about Team Church Planting or would like to consider the possibility of joining our team please contact us.

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